
Require Import Metalib.Metatheory.
Require Import Metalib.LibTactics.
Require Import Coq.Program.Equality.
Require Import Coq.Program.Tactics.
Require Import Strings.String.
Require Import Lia.

Require Import Language.
Require Import Tactical.
Require Import Subtyping.Subtyping.
Require Import Subtyping.Splitable.
Require Import Appsub.

Require Import Value.
Require Import PrincipalTyping.
Require Import Typing.
Require Import Casting.
Require Import LocallyNameless.


instead of using principal typing to get the type, we can define a function atype : vl -> arg atype v = Some A atype l = Some l
value and label

Inductive vl : Set :=
| Av : term -> vl
| Al : label -> vl.

Hint Constructors vl : core.

I'm confused a little bit and try to think why not let merge to be general one (work both on type and label), Since we can't allow label to be merged, so merge case only account for types

Inductive atype : vl -> arg -> Prop :=
| At_Ann : forall e A,
    atype (Av (Ann e A)) (Avt A)
| At_Rcd : forall e l A,
    atype (Av e) (Avt A) ->
    atype (Av (Fld l e)) (Avt (Rcd l A))
| At_Mrg : forall e1 e2 A1 A2,
    atype (Av e1) (Avt A1) ->
    atype (Av e2) (Avt A2) ->
    atype (Av (Mrg e1 e2)) (Avt (And A1 A2))
| At_Lbl : forall l,
    atype (Al l) (Alt l).

Hint Constructors atype : core.

Inductive papp : term -> vl -> term -> Prop :=
| Pa_Lam : forall A B C D v v' e,
    lc (Lam A e B) ->
    casting v A v' ->
    papp (Ann (Lam A e B) (Arr C D)) (Av v)
         (Ann (open e v') D)
| Pa_Rcd : forall v l,
    papp (Fld l v) (Al l) v
| Pa_Mrg_L : forall v1 v2 A B vl TA e,
    ptype v1 A -> ptype v2 B ->
    atype vl TA ->
    psub B TA = None ->
(*    not (auxas (Some TA) B) -> *)
    papp v1 vl e ->
    papp (Mrg v1 v2) vl e
| Pa_Mrg_R : forall v1 v2 A B vl TA e,
    ptype v1 A -> ptype v2 B ->
    atype vl TA ->
(*    not (auxas (Some TA) A) -> *)
    psub A TA = None ->
    papp v2 vl e ->
    papp (Mrg v1 v2) vl e
| Pa_Mrg_P : forall v1 v2 A B vl TA e1 e2,
    ptype v1 A -> ptype v2 B ->
    atype vl TA ->
(*    auxas (Some TA) A -> *)
(*    auxas (Some TA) B -> *)
    psub A TA <> None ->
    psub B TA <> None ->
    papp v1 vl e1 ->
    papp v2 vl e2 ->
    papp (Mrg v1 v2) vl (Mrg e1 e2).

Hint Constructors papp : core.

Notation "v · vl ⟹ e" := (papp v vl e) (at level 69).


Lemma atype_determinism :
  forall vl TA1 TA2,
    atype vl TA1 ->
    atype vl TA2 ->
    TA1 = TA2.
  introv At1 At2. gen TA2.
  dependent induction At1; intros.
  - dependent destruction At2; eauto.
  - dependent destruction At2; eauto.
    pose proof (IHAt1 _ At2) as IH.
    dependent destruction IH; eauto.
  - dependent destruction At2.
    pose proof (IHAt1_1 _ At2_1) as IH1.
    pose proof (IHAt1_2 _ At2_2) as IH2.
    dependent destruction IH1. dependent induction IH2.
  - dependent destruction At2; eauto.

Ltac subst_atype :=
  match goal with
  | [H1: atype ?vl ?TA1, H2: atype ?vl ?TA2 |- _] =>
      (pose proof (atype_determinism _ _ _ H1 H2) as Eqs; subst; clear H2)

Lemma typing_to_atype :
  forall v A,
    value v ->
    typing nil v Inf A ->
    atype (Av v) (Avt A).
  introv Val Typ. gen A.
  induction Val; intros.
  - dependent destruction Typ; eauto.
  - dependent destruction Typ; eauto.
  - dependent destruction Typ; eauto.

Hint Resolve typing_to_atype : core.

Well-typed application term doesn't ensure that all subterms of function can accept its argument, but ensures part of its functions can accept

App & Value

Lemma papp_lc_v :
  forall v vl e,
    lc v -> lc vl ->
    papp v (Av vl) e ->
    lc e.
  introv Lc Lcl Pa.
  dependent induction Pa; try solve [econstructor; eauto 3].
  - econstructor. eapply open_abs; eauto 3.
    eapply casting_lc; eauto.
  - dependent destruction Lc; eauto 3.
  - dependent destruction Lc; eauto 3.

Lemma papp_lc_l :
  forall v vl e,
    lc v ->
    papp v (Al vl) e ->
    lc e.
  introv Lc Pa.
  dependent induction Pa; try solve [econstructor; eauto 3].
  - dependent destruction Lc. assumption.
  - dependent destruction Lc; eauto 3.
  - dependent destruction Lc; eauto 3.

Weakening Lemma

Lemma typing_weakening_gen :
  forall G E F e A dir,
    typing (E ++ G) e dir A ->
    uniq (E ++ F ++ G) ->
    typing (E ++ F ++ G) e dir A.
  introv Typ. gen F.
  dependent induction Typ; introv Env; eauto.
  pick fresh x and apply Ty_Lam.
  rewrite_env (([(x,A)] ++ E) ++ F ++ G).
  apply H0; eauto.

Lemma typing_weakening :
  forall E F e A dir,
    typing E e dir A ->
    uniq (F ++ E) ->
    typing (F ++ E) e dir A.
  rewrite_env (nil ++ F ++ E).
  eapply typing_weakening_gen; eauto.

Subsitution Lemma

Lemma typing_uniq :
  forall E e T,
    typing E e Inf T -> uniq E.
  introv Typ.
  induction Typ; eauto.
  - pick fresh x.
    assert (J: uniq ((one (x,A)) ++ T)); eauto.
    dependent destruction J; eauto.

Lemma fv_open_lower :
  forall e1 e2 k,
    fv e1 [<=] fv (open_rec k e2 e1).
Proof with auto.
  generalize dependent k.
  induction e1; intros; simpl; try fsetdec...
  - specialize (IHe1_1 k).
    specialize (IHe1_2 k).
  - specialize (IHe1_1 k).
    specialize (IHe1_2 k).

Lemma fv_in_dom :
  forall T e A dir,
    typing T e dir A -> fv e [<=] dom T.
  introv Typ.
  dependent induction Typ; simpl; try fsetdec; eauto.
  - apply binds_In in H0.
  - pick fresh x.
    assert ((fv (open e x)) [<=] (dom ((one (x, A)) ++ T))) by eauto.
    simpl in *.
    assert (fv e [<=] fv (open e x)).
    eapply fv_open_lower.
    assert (fv e [<=] add x (dom T)).
    eapply add_notin_context; eauto.

Lemma subst_value :
  forall e z u A ,
    typing nil e Inf A -> substitution z u e = e.
Proof with auto.
  apply fv_in_dom in H...
  simpl in H...
  eapply subst_fresh; eauto.

substitution lemma, stating that substituting a (closed, well-typed) term s for a variable x in a term t preserves the type of t

Lemma substitution_lemma :
   forall F E x v e A B C dir,
    typing (F ++ [(x, A)] ++ E) e dir B ->
    typing nil v Inf C ->
    isosub C A ->
    (exists D, typing (F ++ E) (substitution x v e) dir D /\ isosub D B).
  introv Typ Typv Isub. remember (F ++ [(x, A)] ++ E) as E'. gen F.
  induction Typ; intros; simpl; subst; eauto.
  - Case "Var".
    destruct (x0 == x); eauto. subst.
    eapply binds_mid_eq in H0; eauto. subst.
    exists C. split; eauto.
    eapply typing_weakening; eauto.
    rewrite_env (E ++ nil).
    eapply typing_weakening; eauto.
  - Case "Lam".
    exists (Arr A0 B). split; eauto.
    eapply (Ty_Lam (union L (singleton x))); eauto. intros.
    pose proof (H0 x0) as IH.
    exploit IH; eauto. intros IH'. destruct_conjs.
    rewrite_env (([(x0, A0)] ++ F) ++ E).
    rewrite subst_open_var; eauto 3.
    eapply isosub_to_sub1 in H3.
    eapply typing_chk_sub; eauto.
  - Case "Rcd".
    pose proof (IHTyp F) as IH. exploit IH; eauto. intros IH'.
    destruct IH'. destruct H. exists (Rcd l x0). split; eauto.
  - Case "Ann".
    exists A0. split; eauto.
    pose proof (IHTyp F) as IH. destruct IH; eauto. destruct_conjs.
    eapply Ty_Ann; eauto. eapply isosub_to_sub1 in H0.
    eapply typing_chk_sub; eauto.
  - Case "App".
    pose proof (IHTyp1 F) as IH1. pose proof (IHTyp2 F) as IH2.
    destruct IH1; destruct IH2; eauto. destruct_conjs.
    eapply psub_sound_appsub in H.
    eapply appsub_iso_v in H; eauto. destruct H. destruct H.
    exists x2. split; eauto.
    eapply Ty_App; eauto.
    eapply psub_complete_appsub; eauto.
  - Case "Prj".
    pose proof (IHTyp F) as IH. exploit IH; eauto. intros IH'.
    destruct IH'. destruct H0.
    eapply psub_sound_appsub in H.
    eapply appsub_iso_l in H; eauto. destruct H. destruct H.
    exists x1. split; eauto.
    eapply Ty_Prj; eauto.
    eapply psub_complete_appsub; eauto.
  - Case "Merge".
    pose proof (IHTyp1 F) as IH1. pose proof (IHTyp2 F) as IH2.
    destruct IH1; destruct IH2; eauto. destruct_conjs.
    exists (And x0 x1). split; eauto.
  - Case "Sub".
    pose proof (IHTyp F). destruct H0; eauto. destruct H0.
    exists B. split; eauto. eapply isosub_to_sub1 in H1.
    eapply Ty_Sub; eauto. eapply sub_transitivity; eauto.


Section papp_preservation.

Lemma papp_uvalue_v :
  forall v vl e A B,
    value v -> value vl ->
    typing nil v Inf A -> typing nil vl Inf B ->
    papp v (Av vl) e ->
    uvalue e.
  introv Val Vall Typ Typl Pa. gen A B.
  dependent induction Pa; intros; eauto 3.
  - dependent destruction Val. dependent destruction Typ; eauto.
    eapply Uv_Ann. eapply open_abs; eauto. eapply lc_value. eapply casting_value; eauto.
  - dependent destruction Val. dependent destruction Typ; eauto 3.
  - dependent destruction Val. dependent destruction Typ; eauto 3.
  - eapply Uv_Mrg;
    dependent destruction Val; dependent destruction Typ; eauto 3.

Lemma papp_uvalue_l :
  forall v l e A,
    value v ->
    typing nil v Inf A ->
    papp v (Al l) e ->
    uvalue e.
  introv Val Typ Pa. gen A.
  dependent induction Pa; intros; eauto 3.
  - dependent destruction Val. dependent destruction Typ; eauto.
  - dependent destruction Val. dependent destruction Typ; eauto 3.
  - dependent destruction Val. dependent destruction Typ; eauto 3.
  - eapply Uv_Mrg;
    dependent destruction Val; dependent destruction Typ; eauto 3.

Ltac solver1 := repeat match goal with
                       | [Typ: typing nil ?v Inf ?A, Val: value ?v, Pt: ptype ?v _ |- _] =>
                           (pose proof (typing_to_ptype _ _ (value_is_uvalue _ Val) Typ); subst_ptype; clear Pt)
                       | Typ: typing nil ?v Inf ?A, Val: value ?v, At: atype (Av ?v) _ |- _ =>
                           pose proof (typing_to_atype _ _ Val Typ);
                           subst_atype; clear At

Lemma papp_preservation_v :
  forall v vl e A B C,
    value v -> value vl ->
    typing nil v Inf A ->
    typing nil vl Inf B ->
    appsub (Some (Avt B)) A C ->
    papp v (Av vl) e ->
    (exists D, typing nil e Inf D /\ isosub D C).
  introv Val Vall Typ Typl As Pa. gen A B C.
  dependent induction Pa; intros.
  - Case "Lam".
    repeat dependent destruction Typ. dependent destruction As.
    dependent destruction Val.
    match goal with
    | [H: sub (Arr _ _) (Arr _ _) |- _] => (dependent destruction H; eauto)
    exists D. split; eauto.
    match goal with
    | [H: casting _ _ _ |- _] => (eapply casting_preservation in H; eauto; destruct H; destruct H)
    pick fresh y. rewrite (subst_intro y); eauto.
    assert (Fr': y `notin` L) by eauto.
    pose proof (H3 y Fr').
    rewrite_env (nil ++ [(y, A)] ++ nil) in H7.
    pose proof (substitution_lemma nil nil y v' (open e y) A B x Chk) as Sl.
    destruct Sl as [x' Sl']; eauto. destruct Sl'.
    eapply Ty_Ann; eauto.
    eapply isosub_to_sub1 in H9; eauto.
    eapply typing_chk_sub; eauto.
    eapply sub_transitivity; eauto 3.
  - Case "Merge L".
    dependent destruction Val. dependent destruction Typ;
      dependent destruction As; eauto 3; solver1; eauto.
  - Case "Merge R".
    dependent destruction Val. dependent destruction Typ;
      dependent destruction As; eauto 3; solver1; eauto.
  - Case "Merge P".
    dependent destruction Val. dependent destruction Typ.
    dependent destruction As; eauto.
    exploit (IHPa1 Val1 _ Vall); eauto.
    exploit (IHPa2 Val2 _ Vall); eauto.
    intros IH2 IH1.
    destruct_conjs. exists (And IH1 IH2). split; eauto.

Ltac solver2 := repeat match goal with
                       | [Typ: typing nil ?v Inf ?A, Val: value ?v, Pt: ptype ?v _ |- _] =>
                           (pose proof (typing_to_ptype _ _ (value_is_uvalue _ Val) Typ); subst_ptype; clear Pt)
                       | At: atype (Al _) _ |- _ =>
                           dependent destruction At

Lemma papp_preservation_v_formal :
  forall v1 v2 A e,
    value v1 -> value v2 ->
    typing nil (App v1 v2) Inf A ->
    papp v1 (Av v2) e ->
    exists B, typing nil e Inf B /\ isosub B A.
  inversion 3.
  eapply papp_preservation_v; eauto.
  eapply psub_sound_appsub; eauto.

Lemma papp_preservation_l :
  forall v l e A B,
    value v ->
    typing nil v Inf A ->
    appsub (Some (Alt l)) A B ->
    papp v (Al l) e ->
    (exists C, typing nil e Inf C /\ isosub C B).
  introv Val Typ As Pa. gen A B.
  dependent induction Pa; intros.
  - Case "Prj".
    dependent destruction Typ. dependent destruction As.
    exists A. split; eauto.
  - Case "Merge L".
    dependent destruction Val. dependent destruction Typ;
      dependent destruction As; eauto 3; solver2; eauto.
  - Case "Merge R".
    dependent destruction Val. dependent destruction Typ;
      dependent destruction As; eauto 3; solver2; eauto.
  - Case "Merge P".
    dependent destruction Val. dependent destruction Typ.
    dependent destruction As; eauto.
    exploit (IHPa1 l Val1); eauto.
    exploit (IHPa2 l Val2); eauto.
    intros IH2 IH1.
    destruct_conjs. exists (And IH1 IH2). split; eauto.

Lemma papp_preservation_l_formal:
  forall l v e A,
    value v ->
    typing nil (Prj v l) Inf A ->
    papp v (Al l) e ->
    exists B, typing nil e Inf B /\ isosub B A.
  inversion 2.
  eapply papp_preservation_l; eauto.
  eapply psub_sound_appsub; eauto.

End papp_preservation.


Lemma papp_progress_v :
  forall f v A B C,
    value f -> value v ->
    typing nil f Inf A -> typing nil v Inf B ->
    appsub (Some (Avt B)) A C ->
    exists e, papp f (Av v) e.
  introv Vf Vv Tf Tv As. gen A B C v.
  induction Vf; intros.
  - Case "Anno".
    destruct H.
    + SCase "Lit".
      repeat dependent destruction Tf.
      dependent destruction H1; eauto.
    + SCase "Lam".
      repeat dependent destruction Tf.
      dependent destruction H2; eauto.
      dependent destruction As; eauto.
      assert (Sub: sub B1 A1) by (eapply sub_transitivity; eauto).
      pose proof (casting_progress' _ _ _ Vv Tv Sub) as Ct. destruct Ct.
      eexists. eapply Pa_Lam; eauto.
  - Case "Rcd".
    dependent destruction Tf; eauto.
  - Case "Merge".
    dependent destruction As.
    + inversion Tf.
    + dependent destruction Tf.
      pose proof (IHVf1 _ Tf1 _ _ As _ Vv Tv) as IH. destruct IH.
      eexists. eapply Pa_Mrg_L; eauto.
      eapply psub_none_auxas2; eauto.
    + dependent destruction Tf.
      pose proof (IHVf2 _ Tf2 _ _ As _ Vv Tv) as IH. destruct IH.
      eexists. eapply Pa_Mrg_R; eauto.
      eapply psub_none_auxas2; eauto.
    + dependent destruction Tf.
      pose proof (IHVf1 _ Tf1 _ _ As1 _ Vv Tv) as IH1. destruct IH1.
      pose proof (IHVf2 _ Tf2 _ _ As2 _ Vv Tv) as IH2. destruct IH2.
      eexists. eapply Pa_Mrg_P; eauto.

Lemma papp_progress_v_formal :
  forall v1 v2 A,
    value v1 -> value v2 ->
    typing nil (App v1 v2) Inf A ->
    exists e, papp v1 (Av v2) e.
  inversion 3; eauto.
  eapply papp_progress_v; eauto.
  eapply psub_sound_appsub; eauto.

Lemma papp_progress_l :
  forall v A B l,
    value v ->
    typing nil v Inf A ->
    appsub (Some (Alt l)) A B ->
    exists e, papp v (Al l) e.
  introv Val Typ As. gen A B l.
  induction Val; intros.
  - Case "Ann". destruct H.
    + SCase "Lit".
      repeat dependent destruction Typ.
      dependent destruction H1; eauto.
    + SCase "Lam".
      repeat dependent destruction Typ.
      dependent destruction H2; eauto.
  - Case "Rcd".
    dependent destruction Typ; eauto.
    dependent destruction As. eauto.
  - Case "Merge".
    dependent destruction As.
    + inversion Typ.
    + dependent destruction Typ.
      pose proof (IHVal1 _ Typ1 _ _ As) as IH. destruct IH.
      eexists. eapply Pa_Mrg_L; eauto.
      eapply psub_none_auxas2; eauto.
    + dependent destruction Typ.
      pose proof (IHVal2 _ Typ2 _ _ As) as IH. destruct IH.
      eexists. eapply Pa_Mrg_R; eauto.
      eapply psub_none_auxas2; eauto.
    + dependent destruction Typ.
      pose proof (IHVal1 _ Typ1 _ _ As1) as IH1. destruct IH1.
      pose proof (IHVal2 _ Typ2 _ _ As2) as IH2. destruct IH2.
      eexists. eapply Pa_Mrg_P; eauto.

Lemma papp_progress_l_formal :
  forall v l A,
    value v ->
    typing nil (Prj v l) Inf A ->
    exists e, papp v (Al l) e.
  inversion 2.
  eapply papp_progress_l; eauto.
  eapply psub_sound_appsub; eauto.