This file is syntax of Applicative Intersection Types, which is a extension of "Disjoint Intersection Types"
What makes this calculus different from classical simply typed lambda calculus
- It has intersection types
- It has merge operator (create inhabitants of intersection types)
- It has subtyping (BCD-style: allow distribuivity upon function types and intersection types)
- It's type safe: we will prove determinism, preservation and progress
- Enhanced subtyping algorithms can solve overloading problems
Require Import Metalib.Metatheory.
Require Import Coq.Program.Equality.
Require Import Coq.Strings.String.
Require Import Tactical.
Import ListNotations.
Set Printing Parentheses.
- Int is integer type
- Top is top type (supertype of all types)
- Arr is function type
- And is intersection type
Definition label := nat.
Inductive type : Set :=
| Int : type
| Top : type
| Arr : type -> type -> type
| And : type -> type -> type
| Rcd : label -> type -> type.
Hint Constructors type : core.
Notation is only used for prettifying goals, we never explicity write customized notation
Notation "A → B" := (Arr A B) (at level 20).
Notation "A & B" := (And A B) (at level 20).
Notation "{ l : A }" := (Rcd l A) (at level 20).
- Lit for integers: 1, 2, 3 ...
- Bvar and Fvar for binded variables and free variables in locally nameless representation
- Lam for lambda: \x: A. e : B
- App for application: e1 e2
- Mrg for merge operator, which creates inhabitants of intersection types: e1 ,, e2
- Ann for annotated terms: e : A
Inductive term : Set :=
| Lit : nat -> term
| Bvar : nat -> term
| Fvar : var -> term
| Lam : type -> term -> type -> term
| App : term -> term -> term
| Mrg : term -> term -> term
| Ann : term -> type -> term
| Fld : label -> term -> term
| Prj : term -> label -> term.
Hint Constructors term : core.
Notation "e ∷ A" := (Ann e A) (at level 20).
Notation "ƛ A . e : B" := (Lam A e B) (at level 20).
Notation "{ l = e }" := (Fld l e) (at level 20).
Notation "e ◍ l" := (Prj e l) (at level 20).
coerce atom x to (Fvar x)
Size of types and terms
Fixpoint size_type (A : type) {struct A} : nat :=
match A with
| Int => 1
| Top => 1
| Arr A B => 1 + (size_type A) + (size_type B)
| And A B => 1 + (size_type A) + (size_type B)
| Rcd l A => 1 + (size_type A)
Fixpoint size_term (e : term) {struct e} : nat :=
match e with
| Lit n => 1
| Bvar n => 1
| Fvar x => 1
| Lam A e B => 1 + (size_type A) + (size_term e) + (size_type B)
| App e1 e2 => 1 + (size_term e1) + (size_term e2)
| Mrg e1 e2 => 1 + (size_term e1) + (size_term e2)
| Ann e A => 1 + (size_term e) + (size_type A)
| Fld l e => 1 + (size_term e)
| Prj e l => 1 + (size_term e)
induction on size
Ltac ind_type_size s :=
assert (SizeInd: exists i, s < i) by eauto;
destruct SizeInd as [i SizeInd];
repeat match goal with
| [ h : type |- _ ] => (gen h)
induction i as [|i IH]; [
intros; match goal with
| [ H : _ < 0 |- _ ] => (dependent destruction H)
| intros ].
Fixpoint substitution (z : atom) (u : term) (e : term) {struct e} : term :=
match e with
| Lit n => Lit n
| Bvar i => Bvar i
| Fvar x => if x == z then u else (Fvar x)
| Lam A e B => Lam A (substitution z u e) B
| App e1 e2 => App (substitution z u e1) (substitution z u e2)
| Mrg e1 e2 => Mrg (substitution z u e1) (substitution z u e2)
| Ann e A => Ann (substitution z u e) A
| Fld l e => Fld l (substitution z u e)
| Prj e l => Prj (substitution z u e) l
Notation "{ z ↦ u } e" := (substitution z u e) (at level 69).
Fixpoint fv (e : term) {struct e} : atoms :=
match e with
| Lit n => empty
| Bvar i => empty
| Fvar x => singleton x
| Lam A e B => fv e
| App e1 e2 => (fv e1) `union` (fv e2)
| Mrg e1 e2 => (fv e1) `union` (fv e2)
| Ann e A => fv e
| Fld l e => fv e
| Prj e l => fv e
Fixpoint open_rec (k : nat) (u : term) (e : term) {struct e} : term :=
match e with
| Lit n => Lit n
| Bvar i => if k == i then u else (Bvar i)
| Fvar x => Fvar x
| Lam A e B => Lam A (open_rec (S k) u e) B
| App e1 e2 => App (open_rec k u e1) (open_rec k u e2)
| Mrg e1 e2 => Mrg (open_rec k u e1) (open_rec k u e2)
| Ann e A => Ann (open_rec k u e) A
| Fld l e => Fld l (open_rec k u e)
| Prj e l => Prj (open_rec k u e) l
Definition open e u := open_rec 0 u e.
Auxiliary functions for building contexts automatically