module STLC.Algo.Properties where

open import STLC.Prelude hiding (_≤?_) renaming (_≤_ to _≤n_)
open import STLC.Common
open import STLC.Properties
open import STLC.Algo

--+                             Shift                              +--

⇧-⇧-comm :  Σ m n
   m ≤n n
   Σ  m  suc n  Σ  n  m
⇧-⇧-comm  m n m≤n = refl
⇧-⇧-comm (τ A) m n m≤n = refl
⇧-⇧-comm ([ e ]↝ Σ) m n m≤n rewrite ↑-↑-comm e m n m≤n | ⇧-⇧-comm Σ m n m≤n = refl

⇧-⇩-id :  Σ n
   Σ  n  n  Σ
⇧-⇩-id  n = refl
⇧-⇩-id (τ A) n = refl
⇧-⇩-id ([ e ]↝ Σ) n rewrite ↑-↓-id e n | ⇧-⇩-id Σ n = refl

infix 4 _~⇧~_
data _~⇧~_ : Context    Set where

  sdh-□ :  {n}
      ~⇧~ n

  sdh-τ :  {n A}
     (τ A) ~⇧~ n

  sdh-h :  {n e Σ}
     e ~↑~ n
     Σ ~⇧~ n
     ([ e ]↝ Σ) ~⇧~ n

⇧-shiftedh :  {Σ n}
   (Σ  n) ~⇧~ n
⇧-shiftedh {} = sdh-□
⇧-shiftedh {τ A} = sdh-τ
⇧-shiftedh {[ e ]↝ Σ} = sdh-h ↑-shifted ⇧-shiftedh

⇧-shiftedh-n :  {Σ m n}
   m ≤n suc n
   Σ ~⇧~ n
   (Σ  m) ~⇧~ suc n
⇧-shiftedh-n {} m≤n sdh = sdh-□
⇧-shiftedh-n {τ A} m≤n sdh = sdh-τ
⇧-shiftedh-n {[ e ]↝ Σ} m≤n (sdh-h sd sdh) = sdh-h (↑-shifted-n m≤n sd) (⇧-shiftedh-n m≤n sdh)

⇩-⇧-comm :  Σ m n
   m ≤n n
   Σ ~⇧~ n
   Σ  n  m  Σ  m  (suc n)
⇩-⇧-comm () m n m≤n sdh = refl
⇩-⇧-comm (τ A) m n m≤n sdh = refl
⇩-⇧-comm ([ e ]↝ Σ) m n m≤n (sdh-h sd sdh) rewrite ↓-↑-comm e m n m≤n sd rewrite ⇩-⇧-comm Σ m n m≤n sdh = refl

--+                           Weakening                            +--

↑-gc :  {e n}
   GenericConsumer e
   GenericConsumer (e  n)
↑-gc gc-lit = gc-lit
↑-gc gc-var = gc-var
↑-gc gc-ann = gc-ann

↓-gc :  {e n}
   GenericConsumer e
   GenericConsumer (e  n)
↓-gc gc-lit = gc-lit
↓-gc gc-var = gc-var
↓-gc gc-ann = gc-ann

≈weaken :  {Γ A B Σ n n≤l}
   Γ  B  Σ
   Γ  n [ n≤l ] A  B  (Σ  n)

⊢weaken :  {Γ e Σ A B n n≤l}
   Γ  Σ  e  B
   Γ  n [ n≤l ] A  Σ  n  e  n  B

≈weaken ≈□ = ≈□
≈weaken ≈τ = ≈τ
≈weaken (≈term ⊢e B≈Σ) = ≈term (⊢weaken ⊢e) (≈weaken B≈Σ)

⇧-⇧-comm-0 :  Σ n
   Σ  n  0  Σ  0  (suc n)
⇧-⇧-comm-0 Σ n rewrite ⇧-⇧-comm Σ 0 n z≤n = refl

⊢weaken ⊢lit = ⊢lit
⊢weaken {n≤l = n≤l} (⊢var x∈Γ) = ⊢var (∋-weaken x∈Γ n≤l)
⊢weaken (⊢ann ⊢e) = ⊢ann (⊢weaken ⊢e)
⊢weaken (⊢app ⊢e) = ⊢app (⊢weaken ⊢e)
⊢weaken {n≤l = n≤l} (⊢lam₁ ⊢e) = ⊢lam₁ (⊢weaken {n≤l = s≤s n≤l} ⊢e)
⊢weaken {Σ = [ _ ]↝ Σ} {A = A} {n = n} {n≤l = n≤l} (⊢lam₂ ⊢e ⊢f) with ⊢weaken {A = A} {n = suc n} {n≤l = s≤s n≤l} ⊢f
... | ind-f rewrite sym (⇧-⇧-comm-0 Σ n) = ⊢lam₂ (⊢weaken ⊢e) ind-f
⊢weaken (⊢sub ⊢e B≈Σ p Σ≢□) = ⊢sub (⊢weaken ⊢e) (≈weaken B≈Σ) (↑-gc p) (ts Σ≢□)
  where ts :  {Σ n}  ¬□ Σ  ¬□ (Σ  n)
        ts {τ x} nh = nh
        ts {[ x ]↝ Σ} nh = ¬□-term

spl-weaken :  {Σ A es T As A' n}
    Σ , A ⟧→⟦ es , T , As , A' 
    Σ  n , A ⟧→⟦ map (_↑ n) es , T , As , A' 
spl-weaken {T = .} none-□ = none-□
spl-weaken {T = .(τ _)} none-τ = none-τ
spl-weaken (have spl) = have (spl-weaken spl)

--+                         Strengthening                          +--

≈strengthen :  {Γ A Σ n}
   Γ  A  Σ
   Σ ~⇧~ n
   (n≤l : n ≤n length Γ)
   Γ  n [ n≤l ]  A  (Σ  n)
⊢strengthen :  {Γ A Σ n e}
   Γ  Σ  e  A -- Σ, e is shifted
   e ~↑~ n
   Σ ~⇧~ n
   (n≤l : n ≤n length Γ)
   Γ  n [ n≤l ]  (Σ  n)  e  n  A

≈strengthen ≈□ Σn n≤l = ≈□
≈strengthen ≈τ Σn n≤l = ≈τ
≈strengthen (≈term ⊢e A≈Σ) (sdh-h x Σn) n≤l = ≈term (⊢strengthen ⊢e x sdh-τ n≤l) (≈strengthen A≈Σ Σn n≤l)

⊢strengthen ⊢lit en Σn n≤l = ⊢lit
⊢strengthen (⊢var x∈Γ) en Σn n≤l = ⊢var (∋-strenghthen x∈Γ en n≤l)
⊢strengthen (⊢ann ⊢e) (sd-ann en) Σn n≤l = ⊢ann (⊢strengthen ⊢e en sdh-τ n≤l)
⊢strengthen (⊢app ⊢e) (sd-app en en₁) Σn n≤l = ⊢app (⊢strengthen ⊢e en (sdh-h en₁ Σn) n≤l)
⊢strengthen (⊢lam₁ ⊢e) (sd-lam sd) sdh n≤l = ⊢lam₁ (⊢strengthen ⊢e sd sdh-τ (s≤s n≤l))
⊢strengthen {Σ = [ _ ]↝ Σ} {n = n} (⊢lam₂ ⊢e ⊢f) (sd-lam sd₁) (sdh-h sd₂ sdh) n≤l with ⊢strengthen ⊢f sd₁ (⇧-shiftedh-n z≤n sdh) (s≤s n≤l)
... | ind-f rewrite sym (⇩-⇧-comm Σ 0 n z≤n sdh) = ⊢lam₂ (⊢strengthen ⊢e sd₂ sdh-□ n≤l) ind-f
⊢strengthen (⊢sub ⊢e A≈Σ p Σ≢□) en Σn n≤l = ⊢sub (⊢strengthen ⊢e en sdh-□ n≤l) (≈strengthen A≈Σ Σn n≤l) (↓-gc p) (ts Σ≢□)
  where ts :  {Σ n}  ¬□ Σ  ¬□ (Σ  n)
        ts {τ x} nh = nh
        ts {[ x ]↝ Σ} nh = ¬□-term

≈a-strengthen-0 :  {Γ A B Σ}
   Γ , A  B  Σ  0
   Γ  B  Σ
≈a-strengthen-0 {Σ = Σ} B≤Σ with ≈strengthen {n = 0} B≤Σ ⇧-shiftedh z≤n
... | ind-h rewrite ⇧-⇩-id Σ 0 = ind-h  

⊢-strengthen-0 :  {Γ Σ e A B}
   Γ , A  Σ  0  e  0  B
   Γ  Σ  e  B
⊢-strengthen-0 {Σ = Σ} {e = e} ⊢e with ⊢strengthen {n = 0} ⊢e ↑-shifted ⇧-shiftedh z≤n
... | ind-e rewrite ↑-↓-id e 0 | ⇧-⇩-id Σ 0  = ind-e

--+                      General Subsumption                       +--

-- a aux judgment to prove the general subsumption
-- chain e̅ Σ Σ' simply put the e̅ onto Σ and the result is Σ'
-- thus the variant would be [ e̅ ]↝ Σ ≡ Σ'
data chain : List Term  Context  Context  Set where
  ch-none :  {Σ}
     chain [] Σ Σ

  ch-cons :  {Σ e es Σ'}
     chain es Σ Σ'
     chain (e  es) Σ ([ e ]↝ Σ')

ch-weaken :  {es Σ' Σ n}
   chain es Σ' Σ
   chain (map (_↑ n) es) (Σ'  n) (Σ  n)
ch-weaken ch-none = ch-none
ch-weaken (ch-cons ch) = ch-cons (ch-weaken ch)

-- the typing implies a mathcing
-- we prove it simultaneously with general subsumption
⊢to≈ :  {Γ e Σ A}
   Γ  Σ  e  A
   Γ  A  Σ

-- the general subsumption
-- the intuition is we extract all the terms out of the context: e̅
-- then chain this argument to some arbitrary context Σ''
-- if the new Σ' matches the type A, then the e can infers A under such context
subsumption :  {Γ Σ e A Σ' Σ'' es As A'}
   Γ  Σ  e  A
    Σ , A ⟧→⟦ es ,  , As , A' 
   chain es Σ'' Σ'
   Γ  A  Σ'
   Γ  Σ'  e  A

subsumption {Σ' = } ⊢e none-□ ch-none ≈□ = ⊢e
subsumption {Σ' = τ _} ⊢lit spl ch A≤Σ' = ⊢sub ⊢lit A≤Σ' gc-lit ¬□-τ
subsumption {Σ' = τ _} (⊢var x) spl ch A≤Σ' = ⊢sub (⊢var x) A≤Σ' gc-var ¬□-τ
subsumption {Σ' = τ _} (⊢ann ⊢e) spl ch A≤Σ' = ⊢sub (⊢ann ⊢e) A≤Σ' gc-ann ¬□-τ
subsumption {Σ' = τ _} (⊢app ⊢e) spl ch A≤Σ' with ⊢to≈ ⊢e
... | ≈term x r = ⊢app (subsumption ⊢e (have spl) (ch-cons ch) (≈term x A≤Σ'))
subsumption {Σ' = τ _} (⊢lam₂ ⊢e ⊢e₁) (have spl) () A≤Σ'
subsumption {Σ' = τ _} (⊢sub ⊢e x x₁ x₂) spl ch A≤Σ' = ⊢sub ⊢e A≤Σ' x₁ ¬□-τ
subsumption {Σ' = [ e ]↝ Σ'} (⊢var x) spl ch A≤Σ' = ⊢sub (⊢var x) A≤Σ' gc-var ¬□-term
subsumption {Σ' = [ e ]↝ Σ'} (⊢ann ⊢e) spl ch A≤Σ' = ⊢sub (⊢ann ⊢e) A≤Σ' gc-ann ¬□-term
subsumption {Σ' = [ e ]↝ Σ'} (⊢app ⊢e) spl ch A≤Σ' with ⊢to≈ ⊢e
... | ≈term x r = ⊢app (subsumption ⊢e (have spl) (ch-cons ch) (≈term x A≤Σ'))
subsumption {Σ' = [ _ ]↝ Σ'} (⊢lam₂ ⊢e ⊢e₁) (have spl) (ch-cons ch) (≈term x A≤Σ') =
  ⊢lam₂ ⊢e (subsumption ⊢e₁ (spl-weaken spl) (ch-weaken ch) (≈weaken {n≤l = z≤n} A≤Σ'))
subsumption {Σ' = [ e ]↝ Σ'} (⊢sub ⊢e x x₁ x₂) spl ch A≤Σ' = ⊢sub ⊢e A≤Σ' x₁ ¬□-term
⊢to≈ ⊢lit = ≈□
⊢to≈ (⊢var x) = ≈□
⊢to≈ (⊢ann ⊢e) = ≈□
⊢to≈ (⊢app ⊢e) with ⊢to≈ ⊢e
... | ≈term ⊢e A≈Σ = A≈Σ
⊢to≈ (⊢lam₁ ⊢e) with ⊢to≈ ⊢e
... | ≈τ = ≈τ
⊢to≈ (⊢lam₂ ⊢e ⊢f) = ≈term (rebase ⊢e ≈τ) (≈a-strengthen-0 (⊢to≈ ⊢f))
    rebase :  {Γ e A B}
       Γ     e  B
       Γ  B  τ A
       Γ  τ A  e  B
    rebase ⊢f B≤A = subsumption ⊢f none-□ ch-none B≤A
⊢to≈ (⊢sub ⊢e x x₁ Σ≢□) = x

-- the subsumption rule without side conditions can be derived
subsumption-0 :  {Γ Σ e A}
   Γ     e  A
   Γ  A  Σ
   Γ  Σ  e  A
subsumption-0 ⊢e A≈Σ = subsumption ⊢e none-□ ch-none A≈Σ  

--+                             Check                              +--

-- if the context is a full type, then the inferred type should be same with the context
⊢context-full-type :  {Γ e A B}
   Γ  τ A  e  B
   A  B
⊢context-full-type ⊢e with ⊢to≈ ⊢e
... | ≈τ = refl