module Record.Annotatability.Elaboration where

open import Record.Prelude
open import Record.Common
import Record.Decl as S
import Record.Annotatability.Target as T

need : T.Term  S.Counter
need (T.𝕔 x) = S.♭ S.Z
need (T.` x) = S.♭ S.Z
need (T.ƛ e) = S.S⇒ (need e)
need (e₁ T.· e₂) with need e₁
... | S.♭ j = S.♭ S.Z
... | S.S⇒ r = r
need (T.𝕣 rs) = S.♭ S.Z
need (e T.𝕡 l) = S.♭ S.Z

data plusS⇒ : S.Counter  Set where

  plusS⇒-base :
    plusS⇒ (S.♭ S.Z)

  plusS-S⇒ :  {i}
     plusS⇒ i
     plusS⇒ (S.S⇒ i)

data plusS⇒∞ : S.Counter  Set where

  plusS⇒-base∞ :
    plusS⇒∞ (S.♭ S.∞)

  plusS-S⇒∞ :  {i}
     plusS⇒∞ i
     plusS⇒∞ (S.S⇒ i)

data plusS⇒∞A : S.Counter  Type  Set where

  plusS⇒-base∞A :  {A}
     plusS⇒∞A (S.♭ S.∞) A

  plusS-S⇒∞A :  {i A B}
     plusS⇒∞A i B
     plusS⇒∞A (S.S⇒ i) (A `→ B)

need-plusS⇒ :  e
   plusS⇒ (need e)
need-plusS⇒ (T.𝕔 x) = plusS⇒-base
need-plusS⇒ (T.` x) = plusS⇒-base
need-plusS⇒ (T.ƛ e) = plusS-S⇒ (need-plusS⇒ e)
need-plusS⇒ (e₁ T.· e₂) with need e₁ | need-plusS⇒ e₁ 
... | S.♭ S.Z | IH = IH
... | S.S⇒ r | plusS-S⇒ IH = IH
need-plusS⇒ (T.𝕣 x) = plusS⇒-base
need-plusS⇒ (e T.𝕡 x) = plusS⇒-base

≤d-refl∞' :  {i A}
   plusS⇒∞A i A
   A S.≤ i # A
≤d-refl∞' plusS⇒-base∞A = S.≤refl∞
≤d-refl∞' (plusS-S⇒∞A ps) = S.≤arr-S⇒ S.≤refl∞ (≤d-refl∞' ps)

plusS∞-¬Z :  {i A}
   plusS⇒∞A i A
   i  S.♭ S.Z
plusS∞-¬Z plusS⇒-base∞A = λ ()
plusS∞-¬Z (plusS-S⇒∞A ps) = λ ()

≤d-∞-z-plus :  {i i' B A}
   B S.≤ i # A
   plusS⇒ i
   plusS⇒∞A i' A
   B S.≤ i' # A
≤d-∞-z-plus S.≤Z plusS⇒-base ps' = ≤d-refl∞' ps'
≤d-∞-z-plus (S.≤arr-S⇒ B≤A B≤A₁) (plusS-S⇒ ps) plusS⇒-base∞A = S.≤arr-∞ (≤d-∞-z-plus S.≤Z plusS⇒-base plusS⇒-base∞A)
                                                                  (≤d-∞-z-plus B≤A₁ ps plusS⇒-base∞A)
≤d-∞-z-plus (S.≤arr-S⇒ B≤A B≤A₁) (plusS-S⇒ ps) (plusS-S⇒∞A ps') = S.≤arr-S⇒ B≤A (≤d-∞-z-plus B≤A₁ ps ps')
≤d-∞-z-plus (S.≤and₁ B≤A x) ps ps' = S.≤and₁ (≤d-∞-z-plus B≤A ps ps') (plusS∞-¬Z ps')
≤d-∞-z-plus (S.≤and₂ B≤A x) ps ps' = S.≤and₂ (≤d-∞-z-plus B≤A ps ps') (plusS∞-¬Z ps')

⊢d-sub-∞'' :  {Γ i e A i'}
   Γ S.⊢ i # e  A
   plusS⇒ i
   plusS⇒∞A i' A
   Γ S.⊢ i' # e  A
⊢d-sub-∞'' ⊢e plusS⇒-base plusS⇒-base∞A = S.⊢sub ⊢e S.≤refl∞  ())
⊢d-sub-∞'' ⊢e plusS⇒-base (plusS-S⇒∞A ps') = S.⊢sub ⊢e (S.≤arr-S⇒ S.≤refl∞ (≤d-refl∞' ps')) λ ()
⊢d-sub-∞'' (S.⊢lam₂ ⊢e) (plusS-S⇒ ps) plusS⇒-base∞A = S.⊢lam₁ (⊢d-sub-∞'' ⊢e ps plusS⇒-base∞A)
⊢d-sub-∞'' (S.⊢lam₂ ⊢e) (plusS-S⇒ ps) (plusS-S⇒∞A ps') = S.⊢lam₂ (⊢d-sub-∞'' ⊢e ps ps')
⊢d-sub-∞'' (S.⊢app⇒ ⊢e ⊢e₁) (plusS-S⇒ ps) plusS⇒-base∞A = S.⊢app⇒ (⊢d-sub-∞'' ⊢e (plusS-S⇒ (plusS-S⇒ ps)) (plusS-S⇒∞A plusS⇒-base∞A)) ⊢e₁
⊢d-sub-∞'' (S.⊢app⇒ ⊢e ⊢e₁) (plusS-S⇒ ps) (plusS-S⇒∞A ps') = S.⊢app⇒ (⊢d-sub-∞'' ⊢e (plusS-S⇒ (plusS-S⇒ ps)) (plusS-S⇒∞A (plusS-S⇒∞A ps'))) ⊢e₁
⊢d-sub-∞'' (S.⊢sub ⊢e x x₁) (plusS-S⇒ ps) ps' = S.⊢sub ⊢e (≤d-∞-z-plus x (plusS-S⇒ ps) ps') (plusS∞-¬Z ps')

⊢d-sub-∞ :  {Γ i e A}
   Γ S.⊢ i # e  A
   plusS⇒ i
   Γ S.⊢ S.♭ S.∞ # e  A
⊢d-sub-∞ ⊢e ps = ⊢d-sub-∞'' ⊢e ps plusS⇒-base∞A

infix 3 _⊢_⦂_⟶_
infix 3 _⊢r_⦂_⟶_

data _⊢_⦂_⟶_ : Env  T.Term  Type  Term  Set
data _⊢r_⦂_⟶_ : Env  T.Record  Type  Record  Set

data _⊢_⦂_⟶_  where

  e-con :  {Γ c}
     Γ  (T.𝕔 c)  c-τ c  (𝕔 c)

  e-var :  {Γ x A}
     Γ  x  A
     Γ  (T.` x)  A  (` x)

  e-lam :  {Γ e A B e'}
     Γ , A  e  B  e'
     Γ  T.ƛ e  A `→ B  (ƛ e')

  e-app1 :  {Γ e₁ e₂ A B e₁' e₂'}
     need e₁  S.♭ S.Z  need e₂  S.♭ S.Z
     Γ  e₁  A `→ B  e₁'
     Γ  e₂  A  e₂'
     Γ  e₁ T.· e₂  B  e₁' · e₂'

  e-app2 :  {Γ e₁ e₂ A B e₁' e₂' i₁ i₂}
     need e₂  S.S⇒ i₁
     need e₁  S.S⇒ i₂
     Γ  e₁  A `→ B  e₁'
     Γ  e₂  A  e₂'
     Γ  e₁ T.· e₂  B  e₁' · (e₂'  A)

  e-rcd :  {Γ rs rs' As}
     Γ ⊢r rs  As  rs'
     Γ  (T.𝕣 rs)  As  (𝕣 rs')

  e-prj :  {Γ e e' l A}
     Γ  e  τ⟦ l  A   e'
     Γ  e T.𝕡 l  A  e' 𝕡 l

data _⊢r_⦂_⟶_ where

  e-rnil :  {Γ}
     Γ ⊢r T.rnil  Top  rnil

  e-one-no-need :  {Γ e e' A l}
     need e  S.♭ S.Z
     Γ  e  A  e'
     Γ ⊢r T.r⟦ l  e  T.rnil  τ⟦ l  A     r⟦ l  e'  rnil

  e-one-need :  {Γ e e' A l i}
     need e  S.S⇒ i
     Γ  e  A  e'
     Γ ⊢r T.r⟦ l  e  T.rnil  τ⟦ l  A     r⟦ l  (e'  A)  rnil

  e-cons-no-need :  {Γ l e e' rs rs' A As}
     need e  S.♭ S.Z
     Γ  e  A  e'
     Γ ⊢r rs  As  rs'
     rs  T.rnil
     Γ ⊢r T.r⟦ l  e  rs  (τ⟦ l  A  & As)  r⟦ l  e'  rs'

  e-cons-need :  {Γ l e e' rs rs' A As i}
     need e  S.S⇒ i
     Γ  e  A  e'
     Γ ⊢r rs  As  rs'
     rs  T.rnil
     Γ ⊢r T.r⟦ l  e  rs  (τ⟦ l  A  & As)  r⟦ l  (e'  A)  rs'

data _<<_ : S.Counter → S.Counter → Set where
  <<-base1 : (S.♭ S.Z) << (S.♭ (S.Sl S.Z))
  <<-base2 : (S.♭ S.Z) << (S.♭ (S.S⇐ S.Z))
  <<-base3 : (S.♭ S.Z) << (S.S⇒ (S.♭ S.Z))
  <<-cons : ∀ {n n'} → n << n' → n << (S.S⇒ n')
need-< : ∀ {Γ e A m n}
  → Γ S.⊢d m # e ⦂ A
--  → (need ∥ e ∥) << n
  → n << (need ∥ e ∥)
  → Γ S.⊢d n # e ⦂ A
need-< ⊢e <<n = {!!}  

data notlabel : Type  Set where

     nl-int : notlabel Int
     nl-flt : notlabel Float
     nl-top : notlabel Top
--     nl-arr : ∀ {A B} → notlabel (A ⇒ B)
     nl-and :  {A B}  notlabel (A & B)

data counterShape : S.Counter  Type  Set where

  cs-rcd :  {l A}
     counterShape (S.♭ S.Z) (τ⟦ l  A )

  cs-rcd-S :  {l A j}
     counterShape (S.♭ j) A
     counterShape (S.♭ (S.Sl j)) (τ⟦ l  A )
  cs-rcd-∞ :  {l A}
     counterShape (S.♭ S.∞) (τ⟦ l  A )

  cs-arr-Z :  {A B}
     counterShape (S.♭ S.Z) (A `→ B)

  cs-arr-S⇒ :  {A B i}
     counterShape i B
     counterShape (S.S⇒ i) (A `→ B)

  cs-arr-S⇐ :  {A B j}
     counterShape (S.♭ j) B
     counterShape (S.♭ (S.S⇐ j)) (A `→ B)
  cs-arr-∞ :  {A B}
     counterShape (S.♭ S.∞) (A `→ B)
  cs-other :  {A i}
     notlabel A
     counterShape i A

cannonical-sub :  {B A i}
   B S.≤ i # A
   counterShape i A
cannonical-sub {Int} S.≤Z = cs-other nl-int
cannonical-sub {Float} S.≤Z = cs-other nl-flt
cannonical-sub {Top} S.≤Z = cs-other nl-top
cannonical-sub {B `→ B₁} S.≤Z = cs-arr-Z
cannonical-sub {B & B₁} S.≤Z = cs-other nl-and
cannonical-sub {τ⟦ x  B } S.≤Z = cs-rcd
cannonical-sub S.≤int∞ = cs-other nl-int
cannonical-sub S.≤float∞ = cs-other nl-flt
cannonical-sub S.≤top = cs-other nl-top
cannonical-sub (S.≤arr-∞ BA BA₁) = cs-arr-∞
cannonical-sub (S.≤rcd∞ BA) = cs-rcd-∞
cannonical-sub (S.≤arr-S⇐ BA BA₁) = cs-arr-S⇐ (cannonical-sub BA₁)
cannonical-sub (S.≤arr-S⇒ BA BA₁) = cs-arr-S⇒ (cannonical-sub BA₁)
cannonical-sub (S.≤rcd-Sl BA) = cs-rcd-S (cannonical-sub BA)
cannonical-sub (S.≤and₁ BA x) = cannonical-sub BA
cannonical-sub (S.≤and₂ BA x) = cannonical-sub BA
cannonical-sub (S.≤and BA BA₁) = cs-other nl-and

cannonical :  {Γ i e A}
   Γ S.⊢ i # e  A
   counterShape i A
cannonical (S.⊢c {c = lit x}) = cs-other nl-int
cannonical (S.⊢c {c = flt x}) = cs-other nl-flt
cannonical (S.⊢c {c = +s}) = cs-other nl-and
cannonical (S.⊢c {c = +i x}) = cs-arr-Z
cannonical (S.⊢c {c = +f x}) = cs-arr-Z
cannonical {A = Int} (S.⊢var x) = cs-other nl-int
cannonical {A = Float} (S.⊢var x) = cs-other nl-flt
cannonical {A = Top} (S.⊢var x) = cs-other nl-top
cannonical {A = A `→ A₁} (S.⊢var x) = cs-arr-Z
cannonical {A = A & A₁} (S.⊢var x) = cs-other nl-and
cannonical {A = τ⟦ x₁  A } (S.⊢var x) = cs-rcd
cannonical {A = Int} (S.⊢ann ⊢e) = cs-other nl-int
cannonical {A = Float} (S.⊢ann ⊢e) = cs-other nl-flt
cannonical {A = Top} (S.⊢ann ⊢e) = cs-other nl-top
cannonical {A = A `→ A₁} (S.⊢ann ⊢e) = cs-arr-Z
cannonical {A = A & A₁} (S.⊢ann ⊢e) = cs-other nl-and
cannonical {A = τ⟦ x  A } (S.⊢ann ⊢e) = cs-rcd
cannonical (S.⊢lam₁ ⊢e) = cs-arr-∞
cannonical (S.⊢lam₂ ⊢e) = cs-arr-S⇒ (cannonical ⊢e)
cannonical (S.⊢app⇐ ⊢e ⊢e₁) with cannonical ⊢e
... | cs-arr-S⇐ cs = cs
cannonical (S.⊢app⇒ ⊢e ⊢e₁) with cannonical ⊢e
... | cs-arr-S⇒ r = r
cannonical (S.⊢sub ⊢e x x₁) = cannonical-sub x
cannonical {A = Top} (S.⊢rcd x) = cs-other nl-top
cannonical {A = A & A₁} (S.⊢rcd x) = cs-other nl-and
cannonical {A = τ⟦ x₁  A } (S.⊢rcd x) = cs-rcd
cannonical (S.⊢prj ⊢e) with cannonical ⊢e
... | cs-rcd-S r = r

inv-label :  {Γ i e l A}
   Γ S.⊢ i # e  τ⟦ l  A 
   plusS⇒ i
   i  S.♭ S.Z
inv-label ⊢e ps with cannonical ⊢e
... | cs-rcd = refl

ela-no-rnil :  {rs As Γ rs'}
   rs  T.rnil
   Γ ⊢r rs  As  rs'
   rs'  rnil
ela-no-rnil neq e-rnil = ⊥-elim (neq refl)
ela-no-rnil neq (e-one-no-need x x₁) = λ ()
ela-no-rnil neq (e-one-need x x₁) = λ ()
ela-no-rnil neq (e-cons-no-need x x₁ er x₂) = λ ()
ela-no-rnil neq (e-cons-need x x₁ er x₂) = λ ()

annotatability :  {Γ e A e'}
   Γ  e  A  e'
   Γ S.⊢ (need e) # e'  A

annotatability' :  {Γ e A e'}
   Γ  e  A  e'
   Γ S.⊢ S.♭ S.Z # (e'  A)  A
annotatability' {e = e} ⊢e = S.⊢ann (⊢d-sub-∞ (annotatability ⊢e) (need-plusS⇒ e))

annotatability-r :  {Γ rs As rs'}
   Γ ⊢r rs  As  rs'
   Γ S.⊢r S.♭ S.Z # rs'  As
annotatability-r e-rnil = S.⊢r-nil
annotatability-r (e-one-no-need {e = e} x x₁) with annotatability x₁
... | r rewrite x = S.⊢r-one r
annotatability-r (e-one-need {e = e} x x₁) = S.⊢r-one (S.⊢ann (⊢d-sub-∞ (annotatability x₁) (need-plusS⇒ e)))
annotatability-r (e-cons-no-need x x₁ e-r neq) with annotatability x₁
... | r rewrite x = S.⊢r-cons r (annotatability-r e-r) (ela-no-rnil neq e-r)
annotatability-r (e-cons-need {e = e} x x₁ e-r neq) = S.⊢r-cons (S.⊢ann (⊢d-sub-∞ (annotatability x₁) (need-plusS⇒ e)))
  (annotatability-r e-r) (ela-no-rnil neq e-r)

annotatability e-con = S.⊢c
annotatability (e-var x) = S.⊢var x
annotatability (e-lam ⊢e) = S.⊢lam₂ (annotatability ⊢e)
annotatability (e-app1 {e₁ = e₁} {e₂ = e₂} (inj₁ x) ⊢e₁ ⊢e₂) with need e₁ |  annotatability ⊢e₁
... | S.♭ S.Z | ⊢e₁' = S.⊢app⇐ (S.⊢sub ⊢e₁' (S.≤arr-S⇐ S.≤refl∞ S.≤Z)  ())) (⊢d-sub-∞ (annotatability ⊢e₂) (need-plusS⇒ e₂))
annotatability (e-app1 {e₁ = e₁} {e₂ = e₂} (inj₂ y) ⊢e₁ ⊢e₂) with need e₁
                                                                | need-plusS⇒ e₁
                                                                | need e₂
                                                                | need-plusS⇒ e₂
                                                                | annotatability ⊢e₁
                                                                | annotatability ⊢e₂
... | S.♭ S.Z | r1S | S.♭ S.Z | plusS⇒-base | ⊢e₁' | ⊢e₂' =
  S.⊢app⇐ (S.⊢sub ⊢e₁' (S.≤arr-S⇐ S.≤refl∞ S.≤Z)  ())) (S.⊢sub ⊢e₂' S.≤refl∞  ()))
... | S.S⇒ r1 | r1S | S.♭ S.Z | plusS⇒-base | ⊢e₁' | ⊢e₂' = S.⊢app⇒ ⊢e₁' ⊢e₂'
annotatability (e-app2 {e₁ = e₁} {e₂ = e₂} eq1 eq2 ⊢e₁ ⊢e₂) with need e₁
                                                               | need-plusS⇒ e₁
                                                               | need e₂
                                                               | need-plusS⇒ e₂
                                                               | annotatability ⊢e₁
                                                               | annotatability ⊢e₂
... | S.S⇒ r1 | plusS-S⇒ r1S | S.S⇒ r2 | plusS-S⇒ r2S | ⊢e₁' | ⊢e₂' = S.⊢app⇒ ⊢e₁' (S.⊢ann (⊢d-sub-∞ ⊢e₂' (plusS-S⇒ r2S)))
annotatability (e-rcd x) = S.⊢rcd (annotatability-r x)
annotatability (e-prj {e = e} ⊢e) with need e | need-plusS⇒ e | annotatability ⊢e
annotatability (e-prj {e = e} ⊢e) | r | r⇒ | ⊢e' with inv-label ⊢e' r⇒
... | refl = S.⊢prj (S.⊢sub ⊢e' (S.≤rcd-Sl S.≤Z)  ()))